Does stress contribute to overweight?

By Maki - سبتمبر 12, 2018

Is this familiar to you? "How difficult it is to commit to a diet when exposed to daily stress!"
All attempts to lose weight in stress end in failure.

Is this psychological pressure caused the weakness of will and waste of food?
Yeah! Studies have shown that the stress factor is directly related to an increase in eating in some people where their food behavior is affected. They want more or more of their appetite for certain foods, especially high in carbohydrates, sugar and rich in calories. We usually resort to these foods because they contribute to improving mood and feeling calm.

How does stress affect weight gain?
Today's studies have shown that the motivation for food waste is biological and part of how our physical system responds to stress. Hormones and brain cells directly affect our food behavior. In the stress period, the happiness hormones such as Serotonin become dysfunctional, increasing the energy absorbed in order to feel complacent and self-concealing, leading to weight gain and other problems such as fatigue, anxiety, frustration, and insomnia.
How do hormones contribute to weight gain?
Each of us responds differently to stress. The amount of secretion of the hormone pressure or cortisol varies in the body. Studies have shown that the higher the proportion of cortisol Cortisol in the blood, the more binge eating and excessive, especially sugars, which in turn increase the proportion of insulin in the blood. The high level of insulin in the blood leads to resistance to the body's cells of insulin, which leads to the accumulation of fat because of improper treatment of sugar cells.

If you are susceptible to stress, it is important to exercise stress control and not control it.
Here are options for a new healthy lifestyle that relieves your stress:
• Enjoy physical movement and sports regularly: It increases the sensitivity of the cells of the body to insulin, and relieve the psychological pressure.
• Loss of excess weight in a healthy way: enough to lose 10% of excess weight to improve the performance of cells of the body.
• Choose the best from the starch group: Avoid simple sugars and make your choice on whole grains and whole wheat bread rich in minerals and vitamins.
• Eat healthy dietary fat sources: unsaturated fats such as olives, olive oil, and omega-3 fatty acids such as fish and nuts.
• Follow a balanced and varied diet and take sweets: Eat them only from time to time and not as an essential part of your diet.
• Stress control and take a lot of sleep: The lack of sleep increases the proportion of cortisol in the blood, which leads us to more food and fat accumulation.
• Steady walking: It softens and relaxes the body where the body sort of Endorphins, Hormons "happiness" in the body.
• Perform breathing exercises: and exercise regularly has proved its importance in reducing stress.
• Adaptive to any pressure condition: Do not inflation of its size. Look at life experiences from a different perspective with optimism.
• Give yourself up from time to time: you deserve change and full attention.

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